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Since 2006, the IP Hall of Fame has been honouring those individuals – living or dead – who have had a major positive impact on the IP landscape, whether as a lawyer, academic, business executive, inventor, politician, or in any other capacity. A list of the luminaries who have already been included can be found here.

Following a selection process that ran between February and April 2024, IAM is pleased to announce that four individuals will be inducted into the IP Hall of Fame this year: Judge Klaus Grabinski, Annette Kur, Jenni Lukander and Shira Perlmutter.

These inductees were voted for by the IP Hall of Fame Academy, which consists of current inductees and other IP luminaries. Grabinski, Kur and Perlmutter were chosen from a list of nominees put forward by the broader IP community, while Lukander was selected from a shortlist of candidates (chosen by then IAM editorial team from the longlist of public nominees) for the Q. Todd Dickinson Award, which honours those who have made a significant contribution to IP as a business asset.

Randall Rader

Randall Rader

Former Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit IP…
Thomas Blanco White

Thomas Blanco White

An eminent QC and IP scholar IP Hall of Fame inductee in 2010 A specialist…
Donald Dunner

Donald Dunner

Leading IP lawyer who has argued more Federal Circuit cases than any other litigator IP…
Paul Michel

Paul Michel

Chief Judge (retired), US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit IP Hall of Fame…
Jochen Pagenberg

Jochen Pagenberg

Leading European IP litigator IP Hall of Fame inductee in 2010 A co-founder and senior…
Ruud Peters

Ruud Peters

Former CEO of Philips Intellectual Property & Standards IP Hall of Fame inductee in 2010…
Jane Ginsburg

Jane Ginsburg

A highly influential academic and teacher who has written some of the most important IP-related…
Francis Gurry

Francis Gurry

Director general of the World Intellectual Property Organization and a key figure in the development…
Dolores Hanna

Dolores Hanna

The first female president of the International Trademark Association IP Hall of Fame inductee in…
Michael Kirk

Michael Kirk

Former executive director of the American Intellectual Property Association IP Hall of Fame inductee in…
Niels Reimers

Niels Reimers

Founder of the Stanford University Office of Technology Licensing and architect of the leading technology…
Hisamitsu Arai

Hisamitsu Arai

Twice commissioner of the Japanese Patent Office IP Hall of Fame inductee in 2007 One…